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          We believe we are God’s agents of authority in the Earth with the specific task of conquering the kingdoms of this world.  To unseat principalities and powers because He has given us the power and it is achievable because that power is already at work in us.

         We believe that we can conquer because we are victorious in Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit and supported by The Word.  We therefore believe and dare to embrace who we are in God.  We are to be seen as He is, because we are becoming as He Is.  In our becoming as He Is, we embrace the knowledge of the Word, the revelation of The Holy Spirit and the moving from Faith to Faith.

         We believe that every believer is given a measure of faith.  As we all have received a measure of faith upon conversion, it is up to us as believers to actively engage all of our dimensions in the process of growing our faith.  We know that we are to grow into the full measure of the statue of mature Saints.  We embrace this journey with our very being, knowing that the whole earth is waiting for us to walk into who we are in God. 

We embrace this journey in the calling of building the faith in the Body of Christ by creating an atmosphere through ministry whereby one is ushered into a place of renewed hope in God.  Hope renewed can and will bring a refreshing of love for God and an ever increasing faith in Him who has loved us so richly.

"A Maryland-based Church that makes their goal maturing the saints and making new one's

-Ebbie Myers- That's Gospel TV

A ministry called to build faith in the Body of Christ, to cause the Body to walk into full function of divine design. 


         It is our belief that God calls us, the Body- His Body- to live in a place of spiritual maturity that comes through study and application of The Word. 


We believe that God has a place beyond just being content to attend church but to a place where we are unable to reside in a state beneath our designed function; which is to have dominion in the earth. 

© 2018 Faith Restoration Ministires International all rights reserved

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